Wednesday 20 August 2008

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3 Vitamins to Watch While Pregnant

When you are pregnant, sorting through all the nutrition information can be difficult. There are certain nutrients that need to be increased during pregnancy, but on the same note you want to be careful of over supplementing other nutrients.

Here are 3 Vitamins to watch when you are expecting.

1. Vitamin A - This vitamin requires a balancing act. It is important during pregnancy because it promotes growth of cells and tissues throughout the body. On the other hand it is easy to over-supplement with vitamin A. Research shows that excessive amounts from supplements (10,000 IU daily) increases the risk of birth defects. Most over the counter multi-vitamins exceed this level so it is important to make sure you take a pre-natal vitamin and check the label for the amount of Vitamin (most prenatal vitamins will provide a lower amount of Vitamin A than regular multivitamins). You'll also want to avoid any antioxidant supplements as they are also typically high in Vitamin A. There are even food products that have vitamins added such as sports bars like balance bars, or cliff bars that can lead you to go over the limit.

Your best bet is to stick to a safe prenatal vitamin, skip any foods that have vitamin A added in large amounts, and eat foods high in beta carotene. Eating foods rich in beta carotene isn't a concern. Beta Carotene will not convert to Vitamin A when blood levels of Vitamin A are normal. This is our bodies own natural monitoring system. Foods rich in beta carotene include carrots, sweet potatoes, dark greens like spinach, kale, turnip, or collard greens, and winter squash.

2. Folate - During pregnancy our folate needs are increased. Consuming enough folate during the 1st trimester is crucial for lowering a newborn's risk of spinal cord injury. It also plays an essential role in making new cells by assisting in the production of DNA and RNA. Pregnancy increases the recommended daily amount from 400 micrograms to 600 micrograms. This can be achieved by consuming foods high in folate such as orange juice, lentils, beans, spinach, broccoli, peanuts and avocadoes. Many food products are fortified with folic acid including enriched bread or pasta products and many breakfast cereals. Most pre-natal vitamins will include 400-600 micrograms of folic acid. There is no benefit to taking higher levels of folic acid and too much can mask a Vitamin B12 deficiency.

3. Vitamin D - Did you know that Vitamin D deficiency is on the rise? So much that many physicians are now adding it to routine labs with yearly physicals. During pregnancy Vitamin D is needed for calcium absorption, fetal growth, helps develop the nervous system, and aids in lung development. It also strengthens your baby's immune system.

Discuss with your doctor your need to check 25-hydroxy Vitamin D levels. Optimal levels are greater than 75 nmol/L. If you are low your doctor can determine the appropriate amount to supplement. The best sources of Vitamin D include 5-10 minutes daily sun exposure (with no sunscreen), fortified milk or yogurt, fatty fish such as salmon. People who live in northern climates may be at increased risk of deficiency because of the lack of sunlight.

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Owner of Real Living Nutrition Services, Meri Raffetto is a Registered Dietitian and recognized professional in the area of nutrition and wellness. She specializes in weight management and offers online programs to help people reach their weight loss and health goals. For more information or to sign up for her free e- newsletter visit

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