Tuesday 19 August 2008

17 Weeks Pregnant - What You Can Expect

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Congratulations, you're now 17 weeks pregnant. You're getting closer to being halfway through your pregnancy. So, let's take a look at what is happening with you and your baby, and what you can expect in the future.


Currently, at 17 weeks pregnant, your baby is approximately 4.5" - 5.5" long, and weighs in at 4-5 ounces. Doesn't seem like much right now does it? Well, your baby is big enough to let you know its there on occasion. Of course, it will be a couple of more weeks before you feel a lot of movement, but right now you may notice a small movement here and there. With a stethoscope you will sure know they're there. You can actively hear that heartbeat pumping back and forth.

At 17 weeks pregnant your baby is about the size of the palm of your hand. They are now also beginning to hear sounds as their ears are starting to stand out. This is a time when many women will begin talking to their baby and singing songs even more than they have done before because your baby is recognizing your voice.


As your uterus is now growing more and more, it is also shifting your center of gravity. You may feel like your losing your balance at times. Don't be concerned though, this is completely normal at 17 weeks pregnant.

Have you had an amniocentisis yet? Between 16 and 17 weeks pregnant is when the first ultrasound is generally done. This is a very special time for both mother and father. The first ultrasound is one of the joys of pregnancy.

You may now begin to start showing signs of pregnancy at this stage, although if you're not, it's nothing to worry about. Some women show signs earlier than others.

Keep in mind that at 17 weeks pregnant and beyond, you'll need to reduce your stress level. While it's impossible to eliminate all stress in your life, you should try to be mindful of it. Avoid situations that you know will only create additional stress.

Being 17 weeks pregnant is an interesting time since you can now begin feeling a small movement here and there from your baby. It's only one of the many great things that lie just ahead.

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You're pregnant? Congratulations! By the way, you can find out more about being 17 Weeks Pregnant as well as what to expect each week of your pregnancy by visiting: http://www.WeeklyPregnancyGuide.com

Fun Mum, Click here!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Terry_Edwards