Tuesday 19 August 2008

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You're now 24 weeks pregnant and time is going by quickly. Can you believe you're almost two thirds of the way through pregnancy?

Changes are occurring rapidly now with you and your baby. Let's take a look at what is going on at the moment, and what you can expect in the future.


Currently, your baby is approximately 1 pound to 1 1/4 pounds in weight and is 8"-11" in length. Of course, baby is letting you know its presence by moving all around now. It may even feel like they've taken up gymnastics at times, but this is perfectly normal.

At 24 weeks pregnant, your baby's brain is really beginning to mature at a faster pace. Lungs are forming and will be producing sufacant in the near future.


Since you are really starting to show signs of being pregnant, you may notice yourself rubbing your belly at times during the day.

Something else you may also begin to notice is stretch marks. It's a common occurrence for women to see signs of stretch marks at this point in pregnancy. Rubbing lotion on your skin can help in reducing these stretch marks, but having them is a normal aspect of being pregnant.

Be sure you drink plenty of water and stay hydrated during your pregnancy. It really is easy to become dehydrated during pregnancy, especially during the summer months.

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You're pregnant? Congratulations! By the way, you can find out more about being 24 Weeks Pregnant as well as what to expect each week of your pregnancy by visiting: http://www.WeeklyPregnancyGuide.com

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Terry_Edwards