Tuesday 19 August 2008

What To Take To The Hospital

Fun Mum, Click here!

When you are a first time mother, you don't know what to expect period. People tell you all about their personal experiences and this just tends to be more nerve wracking for you the expectant mother. You hear that you need to pack a bag and get it ready for the hospital, because you will be in such a rush to get there. But what do you take with you to the hospital? Well here are some helpful tips so you have everything ready to go when your water breaks.

First of all, you shouldn't wait until your water breaks to pack your bags. Have your bag packed and waiting by the door you leave out of, at least a week before your due date.

Make sure that when its time to go to the hospital, you or your husband has a watch with a second hand. This way you can time your contractions, this will be very helpful for when you get to the hospital.

Make sure you have a cell phone, and on your way to the hospital make the necessary calls to family and relatives that you want to be at the hospital. Grandparents, sisters, and brothers, mothers in laws etc. Let your husband concentrate on driving and if your not in to much pain then you should try to make the calls.

For your laboring room when you are in labor, you should bring warm socks, hospital rooms are usually cold, a couple of washcloths for sweating and if you would like your own birthing gown, which can be a nightgown or whatever you want it to be. The hospital usually supplies these things for you so if you are a light packer you can leave these things at home.

For your hospital room you are going to need a robe, and some nightgowns, again the hospital will provide these if you don't want to take these. Slippers and some sweatpants and a sweatshirt, your makeup and everything you are going to need to get ready, hairdryer curling iron etc. You most likely won't look so hot after you have your baby, and since you will have visitors it's a good idea to bring thes thing. Also if you have a preference on sanitary napkins bring these or else the hospital will have these as well.

For going home you are going to need, an outfit, a nursing bra, if planning to breast feed, or just a bra. Underwear, shoes you get the point. A jacket if it's cold outside. Last but not least a couple bags to bring home flowers and presents

For the babies ride home you are going to need a car seat, an outfit including an undershirt and socks or booties, a couple of heavy baby blankets, one to swaddle baby in and if it's cold outside another one to cover babies head.

Fun Mum, Click here!



Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Brooke_Schuman