Tuesday 19 August 2008

Exercise During Pregnancy - Tips To Staying Fit

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Exercise during pregnancy provides many good benefits for anyone who is pregnant. It is a very important part of having a healthy pregnancy and even making the birth process much easier. Here are some simple tips to keeping in shape while preparing to have your baby.

Exercise also provides other benefits during pregnancy such as keeping excess weight gain to a minimum, as well as helping in pushing your baby out during labor and delivery. Your legs and abdominal muscles, though not as tones as they normally would be, will be stronger and make things a little easier while in labor.

Being tired is another part of being pregnant and exercise is a proven way to give your body a little more energy throughout the day.

What are some exercises that you can do during pregnancy?

1. Yoga is a fantastic form of exercise that is very low impact and helps in stretching muscles.

2. Walking is another good pregnancy exercise for more than one reason. Sure, it gives you some much needed exercise, but it also gets you out of the house and clears your head so to speak.

3. Do some light sit ups. Nothing too strenuous here, but perhaps rest your legs on a chair and try bringing your head up off the floor a few inches.

4. Another good exercise is swimming. The water gives you the ability to move around and work nearly all of your muscle groups, while at the same time it helps in keeping you balanced.

This is only a partial listing of many different pregnancy exercises you can do. There are many others listed below in a good book you can read on pregnancy, as well as exercises you should avoid while pregnant. Keep in mind that you should do any form of exercise during pregnancy in moderation. Talk to your doctor before starting any new workout or fitness routine to be sure it will not have an adverse affect on your pregnancy.

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You're pregnant? Congratulations! By the way, you can get a FREE Pregnancy Tracking Chart as well as much more information on all types of pregnancy issues and the answers to the Top 10 Most Common Pregnancy Questions at http://www.Surviving-Pregnancy.InfoFromA-z.com.

Fun Mum, Click here!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Terry_Edwards