Tuesday 19 August 2008

Congratulations - You're Pregnant!

Fun Mum, Click here!

You have so much ahead of you and, no doubt you are being inundated with information from friends, family and media on what you should and shouldn't be doing, should you be exercising or shouldn't you? There's no 2 ways about it, the subject of exercise and pregnancy can be a headache...as if you haven't got enough on your plate!!!

But what do the experts say about the subject?

Below I've listed a summary of the guidelines that the American College of Sports Medicine give for Exercise during Pregnancy:

Exercising during your pregnancy can be highly beneficial. It can:

>Help you maintain your posture & muscle tone

>Help reduce stress

>Reduce complications during your labour

>Aid with a faster recovery & delivery

During pregnancy, an increase in body temperature, heart rate and blood flow all will have an effect on your unborn baby, and these factors should be taken into account when you are exercising...

1) Lower the intensity of your normal workout e.g. change running to walking. Exercise should be mild to moderate intensity.

2) Avoid saunas, steam room and spas as this will have an increase in body temperature.

3) Drink water before, during and after exercise as this will help you stay hydrated throughout your pregnancy.

4) Eat regularly throughout the day, especially 2-4 hours before exercising. You need those extra calories as you're eating for two now!

5) Don't Overstretch! During pregnancy, and up to 5 months after your labour, your body will produce a hormone called relaxin which allows the ligaments to soften and stretch to aid with the labour. Avoid unstable or rocky terrain as sprains and other injuries may occur due to your lax ligaments. Take care when you stretch as you will be able to stretch much further than normal.

6) Exercise your pelvic floor muscles during pregnancy as this will help during your labour.

7) Return to exercise gradually after birth - don't try to do the same workout you used to do.

8) Exercising your abdominals shouldn't be a priority at this stage, you can still gently exercise this area by positioning yourself on your hands and knees and pulling your abdominal muscles in.

9) Strengthen your posture muscles throughout your pregnancy as this will make things a lot easier when you're carrying the extra weight. Avoid over exerting or straining!

10) During your second and third trimester, avoid exercises that involve you lying flat on your back as this can decrease blood flow to the womb.

Good Luck, and here's to your baby,

Sam Winkworth

NB - Please consult with your GP prior to commencing exercise during pregnancy.

PS - What do YOU THINK? We'd love to hear from you. Send your comments and questions to admin@evolutionfitnessandnutrition.com

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Fun Mum, Click here!


Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Sam_Winkworth