Tuesday 19 August 2008

How to Choose the Right Office Chair For Your Needs

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Selecting a quality office chair is an important decision that can make your days in the office comfortable or seemingly endless. Knowing things to look for in an office chair help narrow your search when determining a good chair from a bad chair. In this article, I will give some helpful hints to make choosing your next chair a simple task.

The most important factor when choosing an office chair is the chair height. Most retailers will indicate the assembled height in inches so you can determine what chair will actually fit under you desk. Be sure to consider those pesky keyboard trays since they are a sure way to snag the leather armrests of your chair, making it look worn out in no time.

Next, I always watch for chairs that have an adjustable lumbar support. Although most chairs have some sort of lumbar support system, the more economical office chairs often have "built-in lumbar support" as opposed to "an adjustable lumbar support mechanism". If you purchase a chair with "built-in lumbar support" and later discover it lacks ample lumbar support, you have no way to remedy the problem.

Another important factor for those "chair slouchers" like myself, is to determine if a chair reclines as much as you would like. In the past when I purchased an office chair at the local office retail chain store, I got the chair to my office only to discover the chair wouldn't recline enough for me to rest my feet on my desk comfortably. It was promptly returned much to the dismay of the store.

And lastly, consider the mysterious "ergonomic" chair. Determining whether an office chair is ergonomic can be a difficult task since most chairs are designed with varying degrees of ergonomic support. If you are purchasing a chair from an on-line office chair store and are unable to try out the chair before you purchase it, your best line of defense is to buy a chair with as many adjustable features as possible. By doing this, you are able to adjust the chair to meet your individual needs since they may change over time.

Choosing the right chair for your individual needs is an important task. Chairs are an essential part of our society today since we all spend extended periods of time behind the computer screen. Be careful, take your time, and ask lots of questions.

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About The Author

Sean R Sutton manages http://www.ThriftyChair.com - a site that sells many types of office chairs for all body types. For more information about choosing the right office chair, see the articles section within Sean's website ThriftyChair.com.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Sean_R_Sutton