Monday 25 August 2008

Sailing Terminology - Learn the Basic Sailing Terminology

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If you are new to boating and sailing, it is probably a good idea to get to understand the basic sailing terminology that is involved in the process and the hobby. This will increase your knowledge about boats immensely and give you a proper idea on how to handle a sail boat and the boating equipment that is commonly used. In any case, knowing basic terms that you will be compelled to use before hand is always a good idea, no matter the activity or hobby. If you are driving a car or learning to drive one, the first thing that you will probably learn are the various names and terms that are used to refer to levers and gears that are in the car. Similarly, in boating, you must know the basic terms that are used.

First of all, there are various nautical terms which have been employed by sailors all over the world for a long time. These are terms which are used to refer to directions or parts on a vessel. For example, starboard means the right direction, port means the left direction, forward or fore is used to refer to the front, aft is the rear. There are more terms like bow which is used to refer to the forward part of the hull and stern is the rear part of the hull. The widest part of hull is often called the beam of the boat and the vertical spars are actually masts. Horizontal ones are known as booms as they often hit the persons on the decks and the sailor if not avoided during a steer or heavy winds. These are some of the very terms that are used to refer to parts and directions that will be common on all boats and trips and getting to know about these is the primary step in increasing your knowledge about sailing terms.

Then there are numerous sailing terms that are used to depict information about the weather and the wind - a very important aspect of sailing. The direction of the wind flow is called windward and if the sail of the ship is in the windward direction, then the speed of the boat will also be fast. To move in the direction of the wind, many sailing boats make use of wind socks which flow in the direction of wind flow. Similar to this, the leeward side is the side which is opposite to the direction of the wind flow and flowing in this direction is generally avoided. There are various terms to refer to the parts of the hull, the deck and the rudder and these are also quite easy to understand.

Apart from these, there are many other words used in sailing terminology and if wants to start knowing all of them, it will take a lot of time. Therefore, the best approach is to understand the basic and important terms so that no mishaps are experienced during a sailing trip. The advanced terms can always be learnt as your level of sailing advances.

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