Monday 25 August 2008

How To Store Wine - 5 Basic Considerations

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Wine storage has a huge effect on how your wine tastes when you serve it. The way you store your wine is almost as important as the grapes used to make it and the actual process of how the wine was made. Experts and serious wine enthusiasts will go out of their way to ensure that storage is ideal.

Usually you will need to create a wine cellar or other wine storage area in your home if you are going to be storing a large quantity of wine. The following explains the five aspects of your storage area that are important to good wine storage.

1. Light

Wine needs darkness in order to age properly. It is important that there is no sunlight and limited artificial light in the storage area.

2. Consistent Temperature

Temperature is important to wine. You do not want a temperature that is too hot or too cold. Temperature can relate to spoilage, so you have to ensure that it is kept at a consistent level. The ideal temperature is around 50 to 60 degrees. This temperature allows the wine to age properly and at a steady rate. If you have it too hot then the wine will age quickly and the flavors will not be allowed to develop as they would at a colder temperature.

3. No Vibration

You want to avoid any harsh vibrations which can cause a range of issues with your wine. Things like trains, subways, airports and even close traffic can cause vibrations that can crack bottles, dislodge corks and not allow the wine to settle properly.

4. Odor

You want to avoid an area where strong odors linger. Any strong smell will taint the wine as it ages. You do not want to ruin your carefully selected wines with a bad taste picked up form the storage area.

5. Humidity.

The humidity of your storage area is very important. When the humidity is too low the cork will dry out. When the cork dries out it shrinks and allows air into the bottle. Air ruins the wine and will most often cause spoiling. You have to keep the area at a good humidity level which usually requires special equipment. Relying on nature to provide the right amount of humidity can spell disaster. You must have at least a minimum of 60% humidity.

These five aspects are very important to storing your wine. Most people who are storing wine at their home are interested in making quite an investment in the wine they buy. That is why you must undersatnd the five aspects above. Without a proper understanding you will end up with a lot of wasted money on wine that is spoiled or has a bad taste due to bad storage.

You do not want to lose on your investment because you did not create adequate storage. You will need to pay attention and be smart about wine storage so that you can be proud of your wine purchases and create the best tasting wine possible.

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For more information on wine gift and wine glasses. Also see wine vacuum pump.

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