Monday 25 August 2008

Learn Basic Yoga Moves Easily

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It can seem daunting to learn basic yoga moves when you watch an experienced Yoga teacher doing their stuff on DVDs or videos. But remember that they had to start right at the beginning once, too!

When I started practicing Yoga I bought all sorts of Yoga videos, some that I'd seen advertised on TV and some that had been recommended to me by well-meaning friends. However, I struggled watching someone demonstrating whilst I was trying to twist and turn my way into the same positions that they seemed to easily glide into without their bones creaking or seemingly begging them to stop before they fell over!

I was only a beginner and so I didn't want to start classes just yet and draw attention to my unsupple, weight laden body. Sensibly I then turned to books and this proved successful. By studying a book and ingesting the moves and how they should be approached and executed without actually trying them first I felt more confident.

Then when I actually got around to trying them out I felt more self-assured that I'd be doing them correctly.

Compared to following a video or DVD I could choose the yoga moves that appealed most to me and also only the basic yoga moves to start with as I wanted to undertake my practice slowly and safely without expecting too much from myself, too soon.

I've since worked up to joining a class and I truly believe that I only grew in confidence to take this next step by learning my basic yoga moves at home at my own pace from a good instruction book.

Remember when you start off learning yoga that you should never be in pain or shake in any of the positions that you practice. The most extreme that you should feel is comfortable discomfort; otherwise you've stretched yourself too far.

That doesn't mean that you'll never manage that yoga move it's just that your body's not quite there yet.

Time & patience and practice are all that's needed for you to achieve basic yoga moves easily. Good luck.

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Find out about some fantastic books to help you learn basic yoga moves easily at my site

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