Monday 25 August 2008

SEO Or Search Engine Optimization - Basic Approach of Search Engine Optimization Process

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Yes, we already knew the meaning of SEO or search engine optimization but the question here is how to optimize it. Basically, SEO is about two things: On Page Optimization and Off Page Optimization. In this article I will discuss what does On Page Optimization means and what factors that needs to be optimized. Let me start with identifying On Page Factors. These are all objects in a website. These are html codes, keywords, keyword density, keyword proximity, keyword prominence, domain name, URL structures, sitemaps, htaccess, robot.txt and even the content. On Page Optimization is basically optimizing all on page factors. On Page Factors:

Keywords Keywords are very important part in SEO. People who are new in internet industry need to research the right keywords to increase traffic in their websites. Did you remember the "Phone Directory Theory" from my first article? Even though you offer the best products with the best prices offered all over the world but your website were buried under many other websites there is no point of having a website because you will surely have lesser traffic or if worst comes to worst you might not have any traffic at all. This why we need to research for the right keywords that suits to your business. In order to find the right keywords, should visualize what your target market might be searching to find your website and optimize that keyword to increase your visibility on search engines. Keywords can be classified into two kinds: 1. Short tailed, 2. long tailed. Short keywords are broad keywords, meaning you might be targeting large market group while long tailed keywords are targeting smaller market group.

Content Content is the next essential part in SEO. This where you will convince your target market to purchase your products, that is why content was called "The King". The discipline of creating articles for online purposes is different from articles for magazines, newspaper and other publications. The difference between an article made for online purposes and the other publications made for offline distributions is the number of keywords being repeated throughout your article provided you should observe three important things which are keyword density, keyword proximity, and keyword prominence.

Keyword density This is the most critical aspects of successful search engine optimization. Basically, Keyword density is the ratio of keyword or key phrases to the total number of words on a webpage. Keyword density is calculated by dividing the total of number of words on your page by the number of times of your primary keyword or key phrase you place all over your page. The recommend percentage of keyword density was around 2 - 4 %.

Keyword proximity Keyword Proximity refers to how close between two or more keywords, the closer the keywords the better.
Keyword prominence Keyword Prominence refers to how close to the top your keywords are within a webpage. It is recommended to place keywords that are important at, or near, the start of a webpage, sentence, TITLE or META Tag.

Html Codes This refers to the overall appearance of your website.
Content or In page text Text codes refer to the appearance of your content. These are the "b", "i", "h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6", "h7". These codes emphasize your keywords and let search engines know that they are important.

Title tags Title tag refers to the title of your webpage. For better rankings you can include your keywords in it.
Meta Tags Meta Tags are information inserted into the area of your webpage. Although search engines do not give too much importance, it can be useful on your webpage. There are many kinds of Meta Tags, but will only discuss to you the most important among them. They are the following:
Meta Keywords Meta Keywords allows you to provide additional text information for crawler based search engines to index along with your body. This is where you will put your keywords. This also helps search engines to come up for synonyms, misspellings or unusual words that do not appear within your webpage.
Meta Description Meta Description allows you to influence the description of your page for search engines that supports it.
Alt Tags Because images are not recognized by search engines, we need to insert descriptions in Alt tags. Inserting keywords in Alt tags also increase traffic; some experts usually refer to this as Image Optimization.

Domain Name Domain Name also has an impact on search engines especially if you put your keywords in it. With this reason, lots of people buy lots of domains that have keywords in it and sold it with much higher value. If you are targeting only in your region, you should purchase domains that is specially made in your target region. Ex.,, etc. Google gives high importance of domains with .gov, .edu.
URL Structure Internal pages and its structures are important for accessibility of your target viewers and spider.
Sitemap Sitemap has two purposed: 1. Search Engines, 2. End users. For search engines, sitemap help to speed up the crawling specially those deep links. While for End users, sitemap help them to navigate your whole website.

Robots.txt Robots.txt was used to exclude or provides restrictions to search engine robots to crawl an unwanted file in your server.
.htaccess An .htaccess file is a simple ASCII file, such as you would create through a text editor like notepad or SimpleText. Many people seem to have some confusion over the naming convention for the file, so let me get that out of the way. .htaccess is the file extension. It is not file.htaccess or somepage.htaccess, it is simply named .htaccess.

Now that you know the basics of On Page Optimization and its factors that you need to optimize, you should better wait for the continuation of this article.

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Visit Your Daily Dose of SEO for more articles about SEO.

Article Source:

Mark Caronan - EzineArticles Expert Author