Friday 29 August 2008

Fear of Birds - Self Hypnosis Can Cure Birds Fear

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Phobia of birds is particularly difficult to overcome simply because birds are all over the place. You can't step outside without seeing one and it is most likely that you hear their tweets and calls from within the walls of your home. This can make your fears unbearable.

Bird Fear Challenges

People who suffer from phobia of birds are in very difficult situations because they usually cannot leave their homes. This is simply because birds are in open spaces outdoors and they can show up just about anywhere, anytime when you are outside. This means that your only option to avoid them completely is to stay indoors.

Being confined to your home is crippling in so many ways. You are emotionally devastated because you can't go anywhere. You become dependent on other people to help you and you are very likely to develop depression over time.

Even if you are able to brave the outdoors, you are always under the threat of a serious panic attack. Your every thought becomes linked to birds and you are completely overpowered by fear and irrational emotion. This is a very difficult predicament.


In order to understand your phobia of birds, it is necessary to figure out what triggers your fear. Birds engage in various activities. They make many different sounds and they are visually exciting because of their unusual movements.

What triggers your fear when it comes to birds? You may shutter at the sound and sight of fluttering wings. Perhaps the bird's walk or the way it pecks at the ground causes panic in your experience.

The flying creatures have color and texture that may be difficult for your senses to process without uneasy feelings. Maybe your mind is set in the belief that these creatures are dirty, disease-carrying threats.


This may seem like an overly simplistic suggestion but it helps to rethink how you experience birds. Considering how powerful phobia of birds really is, you may believe that this is impossible. The trick is to become somewhat objective about them.

How can you be objective when there is such intense fear and emotion linked to birds? You have to start by clearing your mind and retraining it to think differently. Once your thoughts are in order, your emotions and behavior will follow.


When you are in a state of panic, it is impossible to think clearly on a conscious level. Your brain and body are working very hard to protect you from the frightening situation. Self-hypnosis undermines your fear and irrational thought processes.

Your panic response to birds is initially internal. Your behavior patterns are manifestations of your inner belief, fears and thoughts. Self-hypnosis allows you to start with a clean slate on the subconscious level. You are in a relaxed state so panic is not an issue. Soon you realize that your phobia of birds is fading away when you try this approach.

Don't suffer from fear of birds any longer. Let self-hypnosis guru, Steven G. Jones relax your fears away with the 'Overcome Fear Of Birds' recorded session. You can find help for many conditions like phobia of birds that are available through by following the links.

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