Monday 25 August 2008

Basic In's and Out's of Private Jet Ownership

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Private Jets- Not so costly
As business becomes increasingly international, jet charter for corporate executives is becoming more popular. Corporations are becoming more aware of private jets and see them as a viable business tool. Business owners claim that the per month cost of owning a jet, costs about as much as what it costs to employ one full time employee for a month. Of course there are different sizes of jets and these are priced accordingly just like rental cars.

Flexible Terms
Those who do not have the option of owning a private jet can easily lease it for a short period of time. The flexible terms of private jet rentals and leases make it easy to use a private jet at your convenience. As the demand for private jets increase, competition increases, and new Jet Chartering companies are emerging into the market. Many companies have become increasingly flexible with their rent and lease terms.

Safety and Security
Besides the convenience of flying by privately, security issues and long boarding issues become a thing of the past. Safety by no means is ignored when flying private either. Most charter companies have safety programs that verify the pilot's experience, training, and health. Also, the jet aircraft has to go through various inspections just like the commercial aircraft before it goes airborne.

Feasible Option for Many
Flying in luxury to a vacation destination or to Europe on a business trip, and afterwards being delivered home safe and sound with no layovers, missed flights, or catching the flu or cold again, to some appears to offset the cost of owning a private jet. This makes the private jet a very feasible option for travel.

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Mitzie Star writes about business and travel. You can find out more by visiting my blog.,, Fortune Magazine

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