Monday 25 August 2008

Basic Drills in Soccer

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Drills are an important factor of a strong fundamental player. Listed below are three important drills working on fundamentals which are essential in a game. Remember always start slow and then gradually work up the speed.

Dribbling Drill.

1. Set up a series of five cones in a line three to four feet apart.
2. Start by weaving in and out of the cones without the ball.
3. After you get a feel for the drill slowly weave in and out of the cones with a ball.

The below drill works well on ball control.

Trapping Drill.

1. Start out next to a concrete or sturdy wall with a soccer ball.
2. Kick the soccer ball against the wall with different strengths.
3. Trap the ball with your feet, chest, and thigh when the ball bounces back.
4. Kick the ball from short and longer distances.

If a wall is not available try this.

1. Throw a ball up high in the air.
2. Trap the ball with your feet, thigh, and chest.
3. Baby the ball into your foot, thigh, and chest.
4. Do not let it bounce off!

Shooting Drill.

1. Go to a soccer field or anywhere soccer nets are available to use.
2. Hang an old tire up in the top right and top left corners of the net.
3. Set your ball from different places outside of the eighteen box (larger box surrounding the goal) and shoot the ball for the inside of the tire.

When shooting a soccer ball focus on non shooting foot placement which is a couple inches next to the ball. Your shooting leg should be knee over toe. Knee over toe means to have your knee simply over your toe when contact with the ball is made. The point of this is to prevent high shot balls. The top right and left corners are the best places to place a shot in a game.

If you love soccer as much as I do then you should check out Soccer-How to Play or Optimal Soccer Fitness

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