Saturday, 4 October 2008
Villain Chair by Suck UK

If Scaramanga or the more fearful Baron Greenback are your idols and you really want to be them, then the Villain Chair is the throne of fear you cannot be without.
The Villain Chair from Suck UK is a supersized lounger chair made from twenty uniquely shaped pressed aluminium alloy panels which are fashioned to form a cocooning chassis which, combined with soft leather provides an ultimate relaxing comfy chair.
Although the chair is made from lightweight materials, enamelled aluminium alloy and soft leather it still has strength and flexibility which allows for give when the villain parks their bottom and begins to plot their master plan for world domination.
To top it all off the Villain Chair has a incredible swivel action, perfect to pivot round to confront your enemy at that crucial moment of world domination and say touch my chocolate fingers and your darkest nightmares will contain more than repeats of Worzel Gummidge.
1203 x 800 x 999 mm