Saturday, 4 October 2008
XP Adventis Metal Detector

The Adventis is one of those metal detectors that has a clever combination of analog/digital technology and benefit from the latest advances in the field. It is a metal detector which will surprise you by his reliability, its robustness and its depth of research.
XP's knowledge of analog/digital technology has led them to integrate a microprocessor analysing discrimination signals. This microprocessor, faster for discrimination signal analysis, gives the Adventis MEtal Detector an increased power and stability, as well as a better rejection of unwanted targets.
An important factor is the flexibility in the set up of discrimination adjustments which allows you to fit in with the ground you wish to prospect. Two levels of discrimination give a more important flexibility in the ferrous rejection setting, allowing better performance in the ground. The sharpness of the transition between ferrous and non ferrous, adjustable with a potentiometer turn is an additional proof of performance.
The high sensibility 'double D' search coils, providing very good ground penetration. The reminder of comfort positions with suited signs (red arrows) will allow the beginner a quick start without any difficulties.
You will appreciate the sturdiness and the manufacturing quality of the equipment. Because a metal detector is generally used in extreme conditions, we have given full attention to the most sensitive parts. The Adventis has been developed and manufactured with quality components and material, thus ensuring that it has a maximum useful life.
From the first moment you pick up an XP detector, you will find it easy to handle and use. Whether experienced or a complete novice, this detector will give you great satisfaction especially due to the basic settings for easy and quick usage.
Wide Scan double D, 22.5 cm, waterproof, provided with its coil cover.
Very resistant cable, conceived to resist to movements constraints.
XP Connector top of the range, completely waterproof, gold contact.
Light and robust ABS electronic box . For a maximum comfort, the box is worn hip mounted (Hipmount bag provided). It can also be fixed under the armrest.
Light detector and perfectly balanced.
Unbreakable armrest.
Shaft in three part.
Lower fibre glass tube.
Frequency - 4,6 Khz.
Discrimination - Adjustable on two levels (D1-D2) (Motion).
All metal - Motion.
Ground Rejection - Manual.
Silencer Switch - 3 position.
Power - 8 Alkaline batteries 1.5Volts AA or rechargeable NICD pack.
Battery life - Alkaline: 45 Hours Battery: 15 Hours.
Battery low alert.
2 Years - Electronic Box.
1 Year - Search Coil.