Saturday, 13 September 2008

Recent Developments in Gasoline Prices

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The recent dramatic increase in gasoline prices has affected the entire nation. For most people, finding the required $80 to $100 to fill the tank on your automobile is a project all on its own. There are many who are charging their gasoline purchases on their credit cards because they do not have the cash to pay for the gas. Of the people who are charging their gasoline purchases, there are some who will not be able to pay the credit cards. This can be a disastrous move if the account cannot be repaid.

Fortunately the price of gasoline has recently declined, but it still costs more than a $1 a gallon more than it did a year ago. This increase in gasoline prices affects nearly every thing that we buy. The increased transportation cost from the gasoline price increases are reflected in a surge in the consumer rate of inflation. Recent inflation data show monthly inflation rates to be at the highest level in 20 or more years.

Because gasoline prices are so high there are many questionable mileage improvement products which are being offered for sale. Most of these offers have little or no actual benefit. Some may even be harmful to your automobile's engine.

There is however some good news available. Some oil companies are incentives in the form of free gasoline to help increase their market share. One program that the author is aware of offers $500 in free gasoline. In this day and age that offer is hard to pass up.

Morgan F Bryan

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