Thursday 4 September 2008

8 Free Advertising Ideas For Weird Ads

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In the wake of CBS placing advertisements on eggs (yes, it's true, CBS is placing ads on actual egg shells), I've decided to come up with a compilation of ideas for places to put a company advertisement.

Eggs are the last place that you would expect to see an advertisement. That's why, if you were to see an ad on an egg, you would stop to take notice. Advertising can work if people stop to take notice, especially if it's really weird and garners free publicity (like the body part advertising on eBay a little while ago). So, putting a business ad on an unexpected place can do wonders.
With that said, I've compiled a list of 20 free advertising ideas for weird places that you can place your company ad. To my knowledge, none of these have yet been done:

1. On top of coffee lids – You don't expect to see a marketing message staring up at you when taking that morning sip of coffee.

2. On a competitor's product - This may be difficult to do but if you and a competitor advertise on each other's products it would even out. This may attract free publicity, as well.

3. Inside the pages of books - Magazines have pages of ads, so why not books? There could be a special advertising section in books. This could provide very targeted advertising.

4. Straws - I've yet to see an ad on a McDonalds straw that I drink my Coca-Cola with.

5. Songs - We’ve seen product placement in movies and TV shows like Donald Trump’s The Apprentice, but I’ve yet to hear a product placement in a song. Imagine paying Britney Spears to sing about your product in the chorus of one of her hit pop songs that gets a lot of radio play... Hit me baby one more time – in the passenger seat of my brand-new 2008 Audi A4.

6. Beside the "nutrition facts" label of food products - This one might be geared more towards diet or weight loss types of companies. The people that actually look at these labels are probably more likely to notice that type of marketing message.

7. Emergency vehicles - Police, ambulance, fire trucks. That might be difficult to set up, but what better way for, say, a cash strapped police department to find revenue to hire more police officers than to sell some advertising space on their police cars?

8. Moon - I'm sure it can’t be done, and if it can it would cost too much. But, how about an advertisement on the face of the moon?

Tino Buntic created TradePals to provide free advertising to business professionals and entrepreneurs across North America. Tino also enjoys reading blogs and two of his favorite blogs include AdJab and Jaffe Juice.

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