Thursday, 4 September 2008
How To Get Google To Do Weird And Wonderful Stuff
One of the reasons that the Google search engine has always remained so popular is that it never ceases to surprise. You get an idea, and think to yourself "I wonder if Google can do this?" and sure as nuts, it does it! I've started to wonder if there's anything they haven't thought of.
OK, I know they're only human, so there's bound to be something they've left out, but nevertheless, there's a lot of very useful things you can do with this search engine that make life a lot easier.
Here are some of the things I've discovered; These give you instant answers without having to visit a web page:
To get the present time in any country in the world, just type into the Google search box time in xxxxx where xxxxx is the name of the country or town.
To convert between measurement units: I want to convert mph to knots, so I type in the search box 50mph in knots and I get the answer. You can also type in half a cup in teaspoons and get an answer!
It also does calculations for you, so you can type in (eg). 5*7+67
To find definitions: type in define mass and we get a standard definition, without having to go to a web site.
If you want to track the flight of an aeroplane, type in it's name and number in: United flight 654 and it will give you the departure and arrival times and if it's on schedule!!
To find the capital of a country, type in (eg) capital of Zambia
Want to know the number of people in Yemen? Type in population of Yemen
To find how much 500 yen is in dollars, just type in (eg) 500 yen in dollars
To check the weather, type in weather and your town. Include the country if you are outside of the USA. eg.: weather St Paul
To get stock prices and a graph for a share, type it's code in the search box, eg SNV
And another useful tip:
Add a tilde (unfortunately I cannot type it here as it violates the rules of this site, apparently) before your search phrase to get related terms, eg tildehorse will return results for horse, pony, stallion etc.
These things come in really handy at times, especially when the boss is breathing down your neck and you need an answer fast!
I hope it's helpful to all you readers.
Duncan Kelly
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