Friday 29 August 2008

Knee Braces For Arthritis

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Knee arthritis is a common problem especially for people over 50 years of age. About 1 in 2 people at this stage in life will show some signs of this condition. Unfortunately, the actual aetiology of this disease is unknown despite loads of research around the world. But what is known is that if you have a family history of arthritis or if you have experienced a previous injury to you knee your chances of suffering from this condition is significantly increased, especially is the injury occurred in your teenage years.

Treatment options for knee arthritis vary, ranging from medication, exercise and weight loss in order to reduce the amount of load placed of the joint.

Bracing also known as orthotics is another treatment option especially for people who are wanting to stay active and put off a knee replacement as long as possible. The function of a knee brace is to help decrease the impact force from the ground as the lower leg takes weight while walking. The brace can also add pressure to the lateral or medial side of the knee to help with the alignment of the leg and therefore allowing the knee to be held in a better biomechanical position.

Knee braces (or knee orthoses) can be divided into 2 categories:

1. Off the Shelf

2. Custom Made

Off the shelf braces come in a range of sizes (e.g. small, medium and large). It is a matter of choosing one that fits you and that feels comfortable.

Custom made knee braces are better than off the self braces because the knee brace is specifically designed to suit you and your knee. However, like anything custom made, the cost is higher. Prices can be up to $1000. Another important factor to consider is your foot wear. By having a well fitting shoe that provides good shock absorption capability, the stress or load placed on the knee will be reduced.

Unfortunately, knee arthritis is a condition that typically progresses with age. Many treatment options are available. Even though knee bracing may feel awkward for the first few weeks of use and may cost up to $1000, it provides an individual with the ability to reduce the load placed through the knee and therefore continued to be active in their later years of life.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Sandra McFaul specializes in helping people get rid of chronic & recurrent pain using the McKenzie Method of Physiotherapy.

Sandra is 1 of 15 therapists in Australia and 1 of around 400 world-wide with ADVANCED training in the McKenzie Method. She is based at ATA...Physiotherapy that Empowers! Stanmore - the Inner West of Sydney, NSW, Australia.

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