Friday 29 August 2008

Six Great Reasons to Use a Coach

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If you are running your own business or are contemplating doing so, you may or may not have considered hiring a coach to help you. Many entrepeneurs are very independent people, though, and believe they can, or need to, do it all themselves. Not only is this NOT the case, the evidence points very clearly to the fact that virtually all successful people have had some sort of mentor along the way to help them improve on whatever they were trying to accomplish. If you don't feel that a coach would provide value for you, please read on and you may discover some reasons a coach might be exactly what you need.

The first reason you will almost surely benefit from a coach is that you can't coach yourself. There must be a certain level of objectivity to establish a successful coaching relationship. Clearly, this is not really possible when someone is examining their own life and trying to improve it. People tend to place arbitrary limitations on themselves based on beliefs about who they are. These beliefs might be rooted in childhood experiences, or other past events. A coach would not be carrying all your baggage around, and would therefore be assessing your abilities based on the here and now, rather than the then.

The second reason to use a coach is closely related to the first one. You have blind spots which the coach does not when it comes to yourself. A good analogy for this is trying to parallel park in a tight spot. If you try to do this on your own, you might inch your way back and forth, hit the curb, smack the bumpers of the other cars, and generally have a very tough time getting into the spot. You may even give up and pull out of the space to go find another spot, even though your car could fit into this one. If you had someone else in the car, and asked them to get out and guide you, the process is MUCH easier, and you will get into the spot in a fraction of the time it would take you to do it on your own. They can see things standing on the curb that you can't see while sitting in the driver's seat. They can tell you exactly when to stop and change direction. This is the same thing which happens in a good coaching situation.

The third reason to use a coach is because you don't know what you don't know. That may sound like an odd statement, but it is very important to understand. If you have a plan of action, and only apply the strategies and tools you are familiar with, you could potentially be creating a lot more work for yourself or enjoying much more limited results than you could achieve by using a coach. To illustrate this, imagine you asked someone back in the early 1860's to get a message to their cousin across the country in the shortest period of time possible. The fastest way they might know how to do that is by sending a letter to be delivered by Pony Express, which would take close to two weeks to get there. They might not know that the transcontinental telegraph had just been completed, and their message could be delivered the same day rather than many days later. Even though the Pony Express was the best method they knew of, there was clearly a better alternative around the same time that would accomplish the task much more efficiently.

The fourth reason to use a coach is to examine the lives of virtually everyone you admire. Almost universally, anyone who has achieved great success has utilized the services of a coach or mentor at some point in their careers. Even the greatest athletes and most successful businessmen use coaches regularly to reach optimal performance.

The fifth reason to use a coach is that you cannot hold yourself accountable. At least not in the way you need to. Even though people tend to be their own worst critics, they also tend to let themselves off easy when it comes to deadlines they have set for themselves. There are always extenuating circumstances that come up which people can use to rationalize their reasons for not reaching a pre-determined goal or milestone. A coach will not care about these circumstances, and will expect you to accomplish the tasks that you both have agreed you would.

Finally, the sixth reason to use a coach is that contrary to what some people may think, coaching doesn't cost; it pays. The success you can achieve by pairing with a good coach will far outweigh any of the costs associated with hiring them. If after one year you haven't more than paid for the entire cost of the coaching sessions by increasing your revenues at least as much, then you need to examine the efforts of both you and your coach, because one of you has not been doing their job.

One of the best things about network marketing that most people don't realize when starting out in the industry is that it strongly encourages great coaching. The success of your upline is directly affected by your success, so they have a built-in reason to want to see you succeed. The best uplines will ensure that you get as much support as you request. They won't push you to do the business, but if you express an interest in becoming successful, they should do whatever it takes to help you get there. They say when the student is ready the teacher arrives. Are you ready?

Lane Romero-Reiss is an InterNetwork Marketing Consultant, helping network marketers build their prospect lists while getting into cash flow quickly. Lane utilizes step-by-step video tutorials and explanations that will provide value to even the most seasoned network marketers, but are simple enough that beginners will be able to follow along. He can show you how to fully monetize your lists by offering tremendous value through a guided training program.

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