Thursday 21 August 2008

How Is Each Pregnancy Stage Different?

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The three distinct stages or trimesters that a woman has to go through during the nine-month period of pregnancy have a direct bearing on both the mother and the baby. Each pregnancy stage lasts for three months and has different emotional and physical implications.

The Three Stages of Pregnancy

Stage 1: First Trimester

The first trimester is associated with strong emotions, ranging from over excitement to shock. It is not uncommon for women to complain of nausea and fatigue during this stage. Other frequent complaints are morning sickness, a loss of energy, increased weight, changes in breast size etc. More significantly, missing menstrual cycles, which are clearly indicative of pregnancy, occur during this pregnancy stage. Since the embryo begins to develop around this time, any ignorance can lead to birth defects.

Stage 2: Second Trimester

During the second pregnancy stage, the effects on pregnancy are clearly visible externally as well as internally. Apart from the belly bulging out, there are changes in skin color and texture on the face as well. Internal changes include the first baby movements, swelling of the uterus and the inability ability to digest certain foods as the process of digestion slows down.

Stage 3: Third Trimester

The third pregnancy stage is characterized by anxiety, about the nature of delivery and impatience of getting over with it, after carrying the baby for a long period of six months! The growth in baby's size in the body can result in back pain, cramping, lack of energy, reduced control over bladder functions, and even an out-of-breath feeling. No wonder, there is overwhelming relief at giving birth, but in some cases, post partum depression may also set in because of the void created as a result of being accustomed to that 'another person' grow within.

Labor is the last phase of the third pregnancy stage, when the delivery actually takes place. There are varied symptoms of labor- cramps, backache, and diarrhea and last but not the least, contractions. The important thing to remember is that once the contractions are five minutes apart or the waters break or if one starts bleeding from the vagina; one should head for the hospital immediately.

Post Pregnancy Period

Once the baby is born, a majority of the symptoms associated with pregnancy subside. However many women continue to struggle to fight the weight gained during pregnancy.

Pregnancy is one of the most wonderful aspects of a woman's life during which proper pregnancy week by week monitoring and care should be given to the expected changes during each pregnancy stage. This will make the whole experience can be more joyous and less stressful.

A pregnant woman should be aware of the progress in her pregnancy week by week, through each of the pregnancy stages. Like, she must know how to deal with morning sickness in the first trimester and how to avoid post partum depression in the last trimester.

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