Saturday, 4 October 2008
Sudokube - Sudoku Cube
Sudokube - Sudoku Cube

Forget about England, Sudoku is taking the entire world by storm! It is one of the biggest crazes the world has ever seen and doesn't seem to be losing its popularity in the slightest. Quite the opposite in fact, with sales breaking new records every week!
Every newspaper and every magazine has a Sudoku section and there are TV shows, books, internet sites and many more. You name it, they have Sudoku!
Such a craze for a puzzle hasn't been seen since the Rubik's Cube was launched in the 1980's. The Rubik's Cube has sold an incredible 300 million copies to date and an eighth of the world's population has handled one! Not bad for something developed by a poor Hungarian waiter!
Sudoku is proving every bit as popular and should even beat the popularity of the Rubik's Cube in a couple of years. Who'd have thought that could ever happen!
Well imagine what would happen if Sudoku met Rubik's Cube... That would surely be the most popular puzzle of all time!
Imagine no longer! We give you the Sudokube.
It's effectively a Rubik's cube but made of numbers rather than colours. The idea of the game is to get the numbers 1-9 on each side of the cube. You play in the same way as you do a Rubik's Cube, but need to get the numbers on each side as you would in a Sudoku grid. You've got the best of both games.
This promises to be every bit as addictive as both Rubik's Cube and Sudoku! It should delight fans of either, and if you're a fan of both it will be the Holy Grail of puzzles!
* 7cm x 7cm x 7cm (approx 2.5")
Please note: Price applies to one Sudokube only. Colour may vary from that shown above.