Saturday, 11 October 2008
Adopt a Tiger
Adopt a Tiger

Adopt a Tiger and help Care for the Wild International with the rehabilitation and care of orphaned animals as well as providing funds for the conservation of that species in the wild. Care for the Wild International have been established for over 20 years. They promote the conservation and welfare of wildlife in Britain and abroad, particularly Africa and Asia.
Here is the story of Jasper the Tiger
Jasper was born in October 1998. He is an Indo-Chinese tiger and he weighed just 3kg when he was confiscated from smugglers in Cambodia.
When first rescued Jasper already had signs of calcium and vitamin D deficiency, which results in poor bone development and the bowing of the legs. But with medical attention and dedicated care he is now very fit and healthy. He lives in a large natural habitat enclosure near Phnom Penh.
Pack Includes:
A personalised certificate with a colour picture of your orphan
A striking tiger T-shirt
A tiger fact sheet
An update after six months
Car sticker
Cuddly tiger toy