Monday, 15 September 2008

Top 5 Extremely Effective Fat Loss Tips For Health Conscious Minds

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Let me share with you these simple five out class weight loss tips. These are very simple and also very effective for cutting down extra unwanted pounds.

Weight Loss Tip #1

Extend your eating time. Don't eat too fast. Your stomach, mouth and brain are all connected and it takes twenty minutes of chewing before your stomach signals your brain that you are full. To feel full and successfully lose weight on any weight loss program, you need to eat slowly for twenty minutes or longer.

Weight Loss Tip #2.

Drinking eight glasses of water a day is important to your health, your normal diet and will help lose weight. Water is necessary for the metabolism of your stored fat. Weight loss cannot occur without an active metabolism which requires large quantities of water.

Weight Loss Tip #3.

The more positive your self-esteem, the better you feel about yourself, the faster and easier it will be for you to lose weight. When you are self-confident, you are better able to take charge of your life.

Weight Loss Tip #4.

If you go on a fat free or low fat diet, you also cut out much of the taste of the foods you eat. Add the flavor back with herbs and spices. Strong flavors such as vinegar, garlic, chili powder, cayenne, curry powder, rosemary and tarragon can be used to doctor up any food you are eating.

Weight Loss Tip #5.

Increase your metabolism by as much as forty percent by using hot and spicy foods. Research has been done that shows spicy foods can increase your metabolism. For double duty, give up fat filled mayonnaise for mustard and add hot peppers to your food for greater flavor and increased metabolism.

If you want to know more about me and find more of my articles and write-ups please check out my website on weight loss tips and programs or Weight Loss Blog.

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