Monday, 8 September 2008
Top 10 Most Recognizable Icons in the World
Tolstoy once said, "Art is universal if it expresses thoughts and feelings which can be experienced by every human being." Its also how branding works --- if an image is loaded with meaning, one glimpse and your brain is flooded with imagery of what that stands for.
In my travels, (and probably yours) I've come across several icons that definitely fit the bill --- icons that, with the strength of time, only grow in meaning and symbolism. An instant glimpse, and the culture is instantaneously transmuted into a language that everyone just simply has to identify with --- art.
Here's my top ten.
I (heart) NY - Who hasn't seen one of these? It was designed by Milton Glaser (this guy even designed the old DC Comics logo!) in the late 70's as commissioned by the New York State Department of Commerce to promote tourism in the New York State. (Not just the city, as most people believe.) It is still a popular design to this day, and is still being sold in several souvenir shops in New York. It also served an important purpose after 9/11, as it promoted unity among the populace.
Shamrock - The anglicized version of the Irish word for clover, has been forever attached to Ireland, which is known for drinking, St. Patrick's Day, and more drinking. But did you know that the shamrock is actually an Irish Christian symbol for the Holy Trinity?
Maple Leaf - Getting it's symbolism from the late 18th century, one look and Canada springs to mind. It got its name from Jacques Viger, the first mayor of Montreal, when he spoke of the tree's abundance in their land: "the king of our forest; ... the symbol of the Canadian people."
Star of David - Commonly associated with the Jewish Identity, the hexagram has been in the flag of Israel since 1948.
Hammer and Sickle - This symbol has been adopted into the Russian flag, signifies the unity of peasants and workers. Some anthropologists are still in debate about the religious use of the symbol, as they believe it to be a permutation of the Russian-orthodox two-barred cross.
Rising Sun - The familiar red-and-white pattern stays true to the word "Japan," whose characters mean "sun-origin." Having an eastward position, it was believed that Japan's side was THE source of the sun. That's why Japan is also sometimes identified as the "Land of the Rising Sun."
Andy Warhol's Mao portrait - This portrait of the Chinese communist-party leader has forever been immortalized by one of pop art's central movers. While the portrait was done decades ago, people still, in good spirit, and probably appreciation of pop art have kept interest for the art alive by donning shirts with the portrait in it.
Shiva - The lady with the multiple arms is one of the principle deities of Hinduism, so one look at her instantly call forth imagery of the countries that are practitioners of the faith, most specifically India. And curry.
Hula Girl Dashboard Accessory - Everyone probably knows what it looks like --- and even though it's probably made in China, it instantly reminds us of pineapples and beaches and the blue, blue waters of Hawaii.
Rasta Hat - Seeing the familiar colors instantly throws in dreams of Jamaica, laid-back times, ska music and Bob Marley.
Bea Scott is in love with life and secretly dreams of traveling to Hawaii and wear a pink grass skirt! Her current crusade is about fossil fuels, bugging officemates and friends to save gas and use biodiesel.
Read more of her views at her blog Hello World!
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