Wednesday 3 September 2008

How to Get Bigger Muscles

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What guy isn't looking for a way to get bigger muscles? So how come so many guys try and try at the gym, with supplements and still can't get bigger muscles?

Learning how to get bigger muscles is one thing and doing it the right way is another.

Many men think that bigger muscles is just about hitting the weight machines at the gym, drinking protein and doing this as much as possible.

But if you are serious about getting bigger muscles then you need to do more then that. If you want to grow you muscles and get ripped fast then you have to commit to changing the way you eat and focus on the right muscle building exercises.

You can get the complete guide in the link below but here is a sneak preview. I'll reveal to you the must do exercises in order to start building your muscles like crazy.

- Dead Lifts
- Squats
- Compound Exercises
- And get a watch

So let's break these down, but like I said if you want the full detail explanation then visit the link below.

Dead Lifts: these are a must because this exercise work about 75 of your bodies muscles. Get the picture?

Squats: Same as dead lifts, works tons of muscles and when you do this you increase your growth hormones which basically mean you start to build bigger muscles.

Compound Exercises: Tons of guys mess up here, they just go about doing any type of muscle exercises and have no idea that they are just waisting their time. If you really want to stop being the man with no muscles or the skinny guy then you have to start doing all types of compound exercises.

Buy a watch: So by now you must have seen workouts where they tell you to do a certain amount of repetitions and then rest for a certain amount of time right? Follow that as if it where your Bible! This is another thing that many guys look over. Many just lift some weights and move on to the next exercise without resting. This throws your entire workout down the drain.

The resting minutes weren't just put there to waste your time, they are there for a reason and if you want to start seeing your body ripped then you should start resting after each exercises for at least 2-3 minutes.

Want to get BIGGER muscles? Learn How: Get Bigger Muscles

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