Tuesday, 9 September 2008

Dieting Basics 101 - The Best Ways to Diet - Common Weight Loss Myths

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There always seem to be an abundance of weight loss myths around - whether they are sent through email, published in the latest edition of US Weekly, or lurking somewhere on the internet. If you believe these common myths it can usually cause more harm than good. Please read more to find out if any of these common myths have any truth behind them. Keep in mind that the best ways to diet are proven on facts, not a bunch of lies thrown together to try and sell you something. These so called myths defeat the meaning of Dieting Basics!

Myth # 1: I'll lose weight faster if I drastically reduce calories

FACT: If you were to extremely reduce the amount of food you eat, you actually send your body into what is called "starvation mode". Your body will think it is starving and automatically wants to maintain your weight - in essence your metabolism will slow down considerably and you will not lose weight.

Myth # 2: My diet will work better the more strict it is

FACT: The more strict a diet is - such as eliminating complete food groups, or eating just one type of food - the less effective the diet will be. It won't take long to become bored with the foods your a "required to eat", and when you feel completely famished, you will eventually break down and put an end to the diet.

Myth # 3: Get rid of ALL your favorite unhealthy foods

FACT: One of the most important dieting basics, and one of the best ways to diet is that it is important to treat yourself to your favorite "bad" foods every now and again - in moderation. You'll be less likely to binge. This is important to keep in mind at all times and is one of the keys to success.

Myth # 4: If I eat late at night, I will gain weight

FACT: Everything else considered, to be completely honest it really doesn't make a difference what time you eat. The only thing that really matters is how many calories you consume. Your body turns extra calories into fat - and eating a light snack such as some crackers with cheese before you call it a night might even help you sleep better.

Myth # 5: I should not even think about eating between meals

FACT: This is dead wrong. Another tip for the best ways to diet - when you eat a small snack that is good for you between meals, you will help keep you blood glucose level stable and your metabolism will be churning at full capacity. This will also prevent you from getting extremely hungry so you will have less of a desire to overeat at your next meal.

Myth # 6: Eating fatty food is bad

FACT: Everyone requires some fat. Not only does fat make food more satisfying and more enjoyable to eat, but some fats are even good for you, like olive oil and fish meals.

Myth # 7: It will help me lose extra weight if I skip meals

FACT: This is a recipe for failure - not only will your metabolism come to a complete stop, but this may actually cause you to gain weight! You could also become malnourished if you don't eat enough throughout the day. You won't lose any weight this way - you will most likely make yourself sick. This is why eating breakfast is so important.

Myth # 8: A healthy diet means I can eat dairy products

FACT: The best way to diet is incorporate all of the food groups into your daily food intake. It is vital to include dairy products into your diet. With so many no-fat and low-fat dairy options at the market, you shouldn't have any problems figuring out what you should include in your diet. Dairy is especially important for women - in fact, research has suggested that consuming dairy products can boost your weight loss efforts.

Myth # 9: If you don't have willpower, you will not succeed

FACT: Don't get me wrong - willpower is a factor when it comes to keeping on track with our diets - but a lot of other things have an effect on our weight including genetics, the environment at home, how much we exercise, etc. Eating a healthy diet and establishing a regular exercise routine will help overcome these things.

Myth # 10: If I drink alot of water, I will lose weight

FACT: If you only drink alot of water, it will not help you lose weight. There is no doubt about it - water is vital to a healthy diet, and drinking enough sure has its benefits, but when people lose weight by drinking water, it is most likely because they are drinking water instead of high calorie sodas and juices.

If you are sick and tired of not losing weight Then discover The Best Ways To Diet to find out how to lose 50+ pounds by Memorial Day 2009.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Roger_Kent

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