Sunday 24 August 2008

Going Commando

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Going commando (or to go commando or "free balling") is the practice of not wearing underwear under one's outer clothing. The phrase and phenomenon is often used in a declaratory way ("I'm goin' commando!"), particularly by women to covertly create a frisson of sexual excitement or amusement amongst friends, sexual partners, future sexual partners, etc. Modern Western social mores generally recognise "going commando" as a "playful" behavior (akin to a mild form of exhibitionism).[citation needed]

Scope and synonyms

Going without underwear is said to have certain benefits. Dr. Caroline F. Pukall of Queens University states that going without underwear while sleeping can have significant benefits to the vulva.[1]

In Chile, the act of not wearing underwear has been called "andar a lo gringo" ("to go gringo-style") for decades.[2][3] In Costa Rica, this act is known as "andar strike" (to go strike)

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